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My Clear Skin Routine for Exfoliating Age & Dark Spots

My Clear Skin Routine for Exfoliating Age & Dark Spots

Helpful product descriptions below

Through the aging process and sun damage, brown spots can form on the face, hands and shoulders.  As someone who is part Asian I’ve seen this to be more of an issue with Asian skin, including my own. A couple years ago I did a video on aging spots on my face and, since then, I have not noticed an increase.

Below are 7 Tips for caring and beautifying your skin.

#1 - Outside and Inside.Internally, to fight the aging process we want to renew cells through eating living, vibrant foods and fresh juices loaded with antioxidants and enzymes. I’m not talking about a 100% raw vegan diet, however, the more livings foods the better. Externally, and for this blog and video tutorial in particular, the key theme to counter brown spots is through external cell renewal and exfoliation.
#2 - Exfoliating Facial Mask.  Facial masks both detox, nourish and exfoliate dead skin cells. There are many different kinds.  Facial masks don’t have to be drying either, from applying avocado to honey to yogurt the list in endless. One simple mask is 1 part turmeric, 1 part bentonite clay, and 1 part liquid, such as olive oil, coconut oil, honey, or yogurt. Gently massage on to the skin for 1 minute.  Leave on for 20 minutes or longer. Wash off with warm water. The brown spot video includes the recipe tutorial.

#3 - Renewal Toner.A simple skin toner that leaves my skin feeling fresh, tight, and clean is a mixture of pure water and apple cider vinegar (ACV). Find a spray bottle at the natural foods store in the cosmetic section. ACV is a natural exfoliator of alpha hydroxy acids, which exfoliates dead skin cells so new ones can emerge.  ACV cleans pores with its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. I use half pure water and half apple cider vinegar.  There is a light stinging sensation.  And if this is too strong for your face add more water until your face adjusts.  You can also add in your favorite essential oils, such as lavender oil or lemon oil, just a few drops of each.  The brown spot video includes the recipe tutorial.

#4 - Salicylic Acid.An exceptional exfoliator, salicylic acid sloughs off dead skin cells so new skin cells can emerge, deminishing blemishes, bumps, roughness, and fine lines on the face and body.  I really like the brand Ecco Bella, which uses natural ingredients and the fruit acids in this serum exfoliate and nourish cells with vitamins. The active ingredients are Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA). I pat this on my skin and leave it on before moisturizing.

#5 - Foundation.Look for chemical free foundations. The more you can leave your skin detoxed, the greater advantage you will have in keeping skin renewed and clear. This foundation I’m using in the video tutorial is actually a skin treatment plus foundation that is aloe based with nourishing ingredients so you can feel good about adding this to help smooth out your skin tone.

#6 - Cover it up. What to do with the brown spots you have right now?  I cover them up!  Look for a natural makeup concealer that is fragrant free and chemical free.  The one I'm using in the video is also gluten-free.  Dab on to imperfections and blend away.  I prefer using blending brushes.

#7- Nourishing Powder.I’m finish up by adding this natural face powder which I love.  It’s hard to believe I’m beautifying with green tea extract, flower waxes, aloe vera and vitamin E.  Hence, we not only nourish from the inside out, but from the outside in.

Jennifer Mac