Sweet Almond & Date Cream
This recipe was featured in Global Gourmet magazine (August 2015 issue) and is in The Right Blend: Blender-only Raw Food Recipes.
Sweet Almond and Date Cream
1 cup Chinese or American almonds, soaked 8 hours, drained, and rinsed
1 cup red (jujubes) dates, medjool, or honey dates, pitted and packed
2 cups water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
1 pinch sea salt
Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Strain through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth. Use immediately or refrigerate in an airtight container up to 2 days. MAKES OVER 3 CUPS
Use any type of date (such as medjool or honey dates) for this recipe. The original recipes, I used Red dates, known in China for their anti-aging and blood nourishing properties. Pour this cream over a bowl of fresh berries or add to a favorite tea or coffee. Enjoy!