blog recipes

Recipes in this section include both raw food and whole "cooked" food recipes.  Many of these recipes will be plant-based along with a portion having animal-based products, often including a vegan or vegetarian option.  From my background and experience to the classes I've taught and in-home training, I cover many special types of food preferences from vegan to paleo to low glycemic (low sugar), meeting a wide range of deliciously healthy food connoisseurs.  

2 Ingredient Chocolate Mousse KETO & VEGAN

2 Ingredient Chocolate Mousse KETO & VEGAN

A couple products descriptions.

2 Ingredient Chocolate Mousse KETO & VEGAN

1 cup coconut milk

1 cup chocolate chips


Melt the chocolate chips.  Beat the coconut milk until fluffy.  Fold in the chocolate.  Pour into serving containers.  Chill.

NOTE:  I basically used equal amounts of the coconut milk and chocolate chips so it will be easy to scale this recipe.  Using more chocolate chips will make it richer and sweeter and using less will make it less sweet and creamier.  This version has a dark, semi-sweet taste.

Jennifer Mac