blog recipes

Recipes in this section include both raw food and whole "cooked" food recipes.  Many of these recipes will be plant-based along with a portion having animal-based products, often including a vegan or vegetarian option.  From my background and experience to the classes I've taught and in-home training, I cover many special types of food preferences from vegan to paleo to low glycemic (low sugar), meeting a wide range of deliciously healthy food connoisseurs.  

2 Ingredient Oatmeal Cookies

2 Ingredient Oatmeal Cookies

These oats are not only organic and gluten free, they are sprouted.  Sprouted nuts, seeds, and grains are not only more nutrient rich, they are easier to digest.

2 Ingredient Oatmeal Cookies

1 banana, ripe

2/3 cup oats


Pre-heat oven to 350 F degrees. Mash the banana and mix in the oats.  Spoon cookies onto a greased pan and bake at 350 F degrees for 15 minutes.

Jennifer Mac